INI Leadership and Team
We're hiring!
INI Director

Dena Haritos Tsamitis
Director, Information Networking Institute (INI)
Barbara Lazarus Professor in Information Networking
Founding Director, Education, Training and Outreach, CyLab
Dena has led the College of Engineering's Information Networking Institute (INI) as director since 2004. Her efforts have prepared the next generation of information networking, security and mobility professionals at Carnegie Mellon University.
Pittsburgh campus

Areas of Interest: telecommunications policy, regulation, and management; dynamic spectrum sharing; wireless communications and networking; Internet of things; blockchain; enforcement and governance of shared resources in telecommunications; ML and AI for spectrum management and governance; socio-economic aspects of technological innovation
Pittsburgh campus

Areas of Interest: machine learning, artificial intelligence, sports analytics, blockchain technologies, cloud technologies, cloud security, edge computing and the metaverse
Pittsburgh campus

Areas of Interest: cybersecurity education and workforce development, usable security and privacy, secure programming, security requirements engineering, secure blockchain and Internet of things
sililcon valley campus

Silicon valley campus

Silicon valley campus

David Belasco
Threat Analyst, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14819 Introduction to Software Reverse-Engineering
Jarrett Booz
Cyber Security Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14822 Host Based Forensics
Jeffrey Gennari
Senior Malware Reverse Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14819 Introduction to Software Reverse-Engineering
Chris Herr
Course: 14761 Applied Information Assurance
Matthew Kaar
Cyber Security Exercise Developer & Trainer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14761 Applied Information Assurance
David Lamont
Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Management Games, Tepper School of Business | Email
Course: 14776 Fundamentals of Business and Management
Catherine Liao
INI Adjunct Instructor | Email
Course: 14601INI Academic and Professional Development
William Nichols
Infrastructure Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14832 Cyber Forensics Capstone
Christopher I. Rodman
Sr. Cybersecurity Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14822 Host Based Forensics
Gabe Somlo
Sr. Cybersecurity Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14823 Network Forensics
Adam Welle
MTS - Senior Engineer, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) | Email
Course: 14823 Network Forensics
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Academic Affairs
Assistant Director of Academic and Student Services, Silicon Valley
Academic Affairs
Director of Academic and Student Services
Academic Affairs
Associate Director of Academic and Student Services
Director of Admissions

Director of Career Services & Employer Relations
Distributed Education Technology & Facilities

Distributed Education Technology & Facilities